Alaskapeter's Amazing Adventures

A record of the grand adventuring in Alaska and beyond I'm doing after dropping out of a MIT PhD. graduate program in physical oceanography in February 2006.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Soda Fountain FUN!!

My Noble Steed

Thanks to good old Craigslist, I finally found the noble steed which will take me across the country. She's a beautiful old green vintage '83 Trek touring frame, with a bunch of newer components to keep her running smoothly. To fit her classic beautiful elegance, along with her final destination on this trip, she has been dubbed "Virginia" by my friend Karen. Her previous owner showed her a lot of TLC in the several AIDS rides she took her on, so she's in great shape. With the leather Brooks saddle that I just put on her, she'll be the perfect ride to cross the country on.

I start biking on Monday!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bike Route

Here is my planned route for my cross-country bike trip which begins from San Francisco on Saturday, April 29th and hopefully ends in Charleston, WV on Wed, June 14th so that I can work my job as the caving coordinator for the National Youth Science Camp! If you're near this route let me know so that I can stay with you and eat your food! Or let me know if you want to meet up with me anywhere!

I'm a Godfather!

I'm the proud new Godfather to the beautiful fresh-from-the-womb Joachim David Labrecque, offspring of my good friends Ben and Kari. He was born last week at 1:20 on 4/5/06, a healthy 7 lbs 10 oz. People say he looks just like Ben, but I disagree: he's not nearly that hairy.

Since I'm leaving right after Pascha, they're having him baptized in 3 days, on Lazarus Saturday! Now I need to just find a cross...

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I just got back from vacationing on the Big Island of Hawaii with the fam. While there I did a lot of fun stuff including snorkling, sunset watching and backpacking in Volcano National Park!