Loneliest Highway in America
Right now we're staying in the middle of nowhere at Middlegate, NV, which is this cool outpost/restaurant/bar that used to be a Pony Express checkpoint back in the day. Now it's this really fun and interesting cowboy and dirt biker bar. We're staying in the "drunk tank", a shack that they're letting us stay in for free. We had a fun day biking along Hwy 50, the "loneliest highway in America". It was indeed lonely, but great. It was a beautiful sunny day again, but not too hot. We biked by some really neat salt flats and dried up lake beds that are restricted for secret military uses. Tommorrow we do a lot of climbing, but it should be another fun and beautiful day.

Got your forms today... nice drawing too! Dan, good luck catching that speedy aerodynamic guy.
See you in WV soon!
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