Alaskapeter's Amazing Adventures

A record of the grand adventuring in Alaska and beyond I'm doing after dropping out of a MIT PhD. graduate program in physical oceanography in February 2006.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Parade of Fun!

Well, I can't seem to post the pictures I wanted. I'm here in Farmington, MO, and just finished riding in the Farmington Country Days Parade with the biking club. I pulled into town as the parade was going on, and the cyclist invited me to join them! They were really nice, and are going to feature me in their newsletter!

Yesterday was HILLY riding through the Ozarks. It was a good day, though. I got 77 miles and camped under a bridge in Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park.

A couple of days ago I climbed a huge observation tower!!

Rescued some more turtles.

I'm going to get some lunch and roll out of town (checking out Country Days along the way). I want to make Chester, IL to camp in their town park. They have a town pool, so I want to try making it their before it closes. Also, rumour on the road has it that there is a guy who cooks breakfast for cyclists camping in the park. Yum.

Hmm, my pictures don't want to post, so I'm going to go.


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