Alaskapeter's Amazing Adventures

A record of the grand adventuring in Alaska and beyond I'm doing after dropping out of a MIT PhD. graduate program in physical oceanography in February 2006.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Rocky Mountain Fever

Dad and I stayed in Moab, UT last night, the mtn. biking capital of the world. It is a really cool outdoorsy town. This morning we went on a half-day rafting trip which was fun. In the interest of trying to make my job at NYSC in WV on June 14, I decided to have Dad drop me a few hundred miles down the road in CO.

Right now we're at the library taking a break from driving in Ridgway, CO. We'll have dinner together, then Dad is going to take off later this evening to start driving back to Salt Lake City. The plan is for me to bike a around 200 miles Fri. and Sat. and make it into Pueblo Sat. night so that I can stay with some people at the Orthodox Church there and attend liturgy on Sunday. I wish I had more time to spend biking through UT and CO; oh, well. It should be interesting trying to have a couple of really long days right in a row. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks everyone for reading and all of the comments. Even though I can't really respond to them individually, I am enjoying reading all of them when I'm at a computer. I'll try posting more pics in Pueblo in a few days. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers, and I'll see you down the road!



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